Monday 6 February 2012

Tuesday 6th February

Since my last post on the 25th January we have had some "ups" and also some "downs" on our journey.
The chemotherapy Sonja had just 2 days after my last blog was a slight increase in dosage and the nurse who did the cannulation got it in first time and it went well. (Thanks for prayers which were answered) . Sonja was experiencing some of the symptoms from the chemotherapy including aches, pains and fatigue, but on Tuesday just gone she started to experience a sore stomach which was like a cramp. This continued for a few more days. On Friday just past (Feb 3rd) she was due to have another injection of chemotherapy but as she still had a very sore  stomach and wasn't really eating much I asked for a doctor to check her out prior to more chemo.

The end result of this was the oncologist suspected that the "Tykerb" tablets were possibly the cause of the sore stomach and that we should reduce the dose slightly. Sonja didn't have chemotherapy on Friday as she was really quite unwell and the chemo on top of this was going to be too much on the day.

She has had a hard few days since Friday with a very sore stomach and general weakness from lack of food for many days. However I am pleased to report that she has had a better day today (especially in the second half of the day). She had some liquid nutritional drink, and even some food. Believe me this is a big step forward compared to the last few days! 

We value all of your prayers and support so much! The last week has been hard but we are determined to win this battle and we know we can. 

Prayer points are:

For the sore stomach to be well.
Sonja to regain her strength from the toll the last week has taken on her.
For the reduced dose of the "Tykerb" tablets to be the key to the sore stomach problem.
For us all as a family to stay strong.
For the drugs to work to their maximum potential and the side effects to be minimal.

Thank you all in advance for your support and standing with us.


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