Thursday 10 May 2012

Thursday May 10th

Hi everyone,

It is with a mixture of numbing and overwhelming sadness coupled almost with disbelief that I write this blog. My best freind and the love of my life has gone to be with our God on Wednesday morning May 9th  at 3.40am. Sonja did everything possible to "fight a great fight". To say that I am proud of her would be completely inadequate and an understatement beyond measure. She is without doubt the most courageous and faith filled person I have ever known.
I have no answers as to why this has happened this way, but I do know that Sonja and our family could not have walked this very tough road without the strength and love of God. It makes no sense at all to any of us to have this outcome come to pass, so don't look to me for an explanation as I am as lost as anyone, if not more so. But I do know where Sonja is and that is enough for me right now.
My family and I again want to thank all of you who have supported us on this journey - which we all know didn't have the great ending we had in mind.
We would appreciate prayer for:
Strength for us as a family to accept what has happened and stay true to the faith in God that Sonja so strongly displayed.
Supernatural peace to surround us all - especially our three children (Aimee, Rachel & Timothy) along with Kane, Aimee's husband. Also Roel & Anneke (Sonja's parents), along with Paul & Roland (Sonja's brothers).

We are having a service to celebrate Sonja's life on Monday May 14th at 10.30am, at Elim Christian Centre. Address is 159 Botany Road, Howick. Please join us if you can to celebrate Sonja's life and the joy she brought to so many of us.


Saturday 5 May 2012

Saturday 5th May

I find this post hard to compose as it's been a very rough few weeks since my last post for Sonja and us as a family. A number of things have happened since my last post and so far none of these have been good as far as Sonja's condition is concerned. I won't go into a lot of details except to say that the disease has advanced again quite significantly to the point where I had to take Sonja to hospital about 10 days ago.

We have spent 8 nights in Auckland Hospital which included a multitude of tests and meetings with wonderful doctors, nurses and the many teams of people who are so dedicated and passionate about what they do that  it's amazing to watch. We have finally arrived back home yesterday with the knowledge that there is no more to be done for Sonja medically in terms of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other cancer treatment.

We are looking after Sonja at home with the great support of family, friends, church and Hospice. We still stand with Sonja completely and absolutely believing in the "miracle she has talked about for so many years" as her oncologist put it. His thoughts echoed us all in the hope that she gets that miracle and proves her prognosis wrong. 

My thanks go out to all the people who are standing with us and who have provided amazing support both in the long journey we are still traveling, and also recently with the provision of well appreciated meals and so many other gestures of support and encouragement. We so love and appreciate you all. Also to my employer "Croxley" who have been so supportive and enabled me to be with Sonja through all of this.

I really can't think of what else to say except please pray for that miracle that can and does happen (although not as often as we would all like). We rely totally on God now and I know we can trust him "no matter what". 

Points of prayer include:

Total miraculous healing for Sonja.

For us as a family to stay strong and full of faith.

Provision for our daughter Aimee and her husband Kane who had to urgently return from a preplanned trip overseas. Pray that Airlines/Insurance will show them favour.

For amazing "good" to come out of this whole experience -  this seems hard to see at the moment, but I know it's possible.

Thank you all again,

Thursday 19 April 2012

Friday 20th April

Hi Everyone,

Let me start by again saying thank you to everyone who has supported us in so many ways and to let you know what a difference it makes to have you behind us.

Since my last post we have had the results from the CT scan. We had hoped to get these before Easter but that didn't happen until last Wednesday. Overall the results seem to say that everything is stable. So no real change from the last scan. Although this is good in so much as the disease appears to be not increasing, it is obviously disappointing that things are not reducing as we expected.

The sore and upset tummy was again a problem over Easter for Sonja but we were able to get this under control quicker with different medications.

After meeting with the oncologist 2 days ago, it would seem that this is a complicated case and as such a larger team of specialists will be reviewing Sonja's results and her case in general to determine the best plan to go forward. The chemotherapy for today has been deferred until they meet with us again a week from today. We both feel this is right as there is no doubt that the treatment takes a lot out of Sonja and if it's not the cause entirely of the nausea and tummy problems, then it certainly makes that worse and more difficult to tolerate.

We especially appreciate your prayer support over the next week as we have a couple more tests to get done and then for results which we should have by Friday.

Please pray for: wisdom for the great medical team who manage Sonja's case.
Sonja's tummy to remain settled and for her appetite to increase.
Strength and peace for Sonja and us all as a family.
The miracle that we need to come soon for Sonja to completely recover.

Thanks again to you all,

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Thursday March 30th

Well another couple of weeks have passed since my last update so I thought it was time to update you on how things are going for Sonja. On my last post it seemed like the problem of tummy cramps and nausea was a "thing of the past" and leaving us alone, but unfortunately Sonja had another episode of this again about 12 days ago. This was again very difficult for Sonja and has taken longer to get her strength back this time. 

So it was good timing that we saw the Oncologist yesterday for an assessment appointment (these are every 3 weeks). He has ordered a CT scan for this Tuesday to try and establish what is causing this mysterious recurring problem and also see how things are going. We hopefully will have a result on that before Easter. In the meantime Sonja carries on with chemotherapy (tomorrow Friday, and the following Good Friday) as well as the Tykerb Tablets. Although weaker from this latest tough patch she is as strong as ever in her determination to beat this disease. I have to say again how amazed I am at her strength and how proud I am to be her husband.

Thank you to all of you who have sent messages of encouragement and support and please feel free to keep doing that as it really does help a lot.

Things to pray for are:

• Sonja to regain strength and normal appetite.

• The CT scan to show good results in terms of disease reduction.

• An answer to what is causing her tummy problems and a solution to this.

• A complete and total miracle to give Sonja her full health back (we believe this is possible).

Thank you all again for all your help and prayers.


Sunday 11 March 2012

Sunday March 11

Hi everyone,

Once again I would like to start by thanking all of you who have encouraged Sonja (and all of us as a family) with your positive feedback. Just the knowledge of knowing that  you are all with us and believing the same things as us is amazing powerful!

Since my last post a few weeks ago there hasn't been too much to report. We just had an assessment meeting with our oncologist last Wednesday and he is positive in his approach. He sees Sonja responding to treatment and is happy to continue with the regime of treatment as it stands. The sore stomach that has been a problem is still a bit of a mystery but I am pleased to say this has been less troublesome in the past week. Sonja had her intravenous chemotherapy last Friday and this has not had the same effect on her as previous treatments as far as side effects go, so I see a definite improvement which is really encouraging!

Sonja is eating reasonably well and although this tummy issue still seems to present itself on some days, it is not as bad as it was in early February. We have a few new weapons to combat this and they seem to be working, which is great.

Things to pray for in the upcoming weeks would be:

Continued positive response to the treatment regime (by this I mean the chemotherapy drugs and the prayer, which we see as going hand in hand).

Continued lessening of the sore stomach issue as it fades away completely.

For Sonja to stay strong and continue to have the strength to win the battle.

Wisdom for us and the medical team to continue to battle and win this fight outright!

Thank you all again so much,

Sunday 19 February 2012

Sunday 19th February

It seems like a long time since my last post but I do want to thank those of you who have been supporting us in prayers and with calls, emails and texts. These are really encouraging to Sonja so please continue to feel free to share any encouragement you have.

The day of my last "blog" was when I finally persuaded Sonja that maybe she needed to be seen by a doctor at hospital for that sore stomach and all that went with it. She is never keen to go to hospital at all so this was a mini miracle in itself!

We had great doctors and nurses who recommended that an urgent CT scan was required to see if they could pinpoint the cause of the pain. This meant admission to Auckland Hospital. By this point the doctors had the picture that Sonja wasn't keen on this plan as it meant admission to hospital. So a deal was struck which meant staying during the day, getting fluids and some drugs and monitoring, but being able to go home at night to sleep at home. I was amazed at this and how it all worked out so everyone got the required result.

The CT scan was done and initially showed no real change as far as disease goes since the scan which brought us bad news in December. This was not unusual as the chemotherapies haven't had enough time to show any measurable change yet. However after the full reading of the scan a blood clot was discovered near Sonja's liver. This is obviously not good but treatable and the fact that it was spotted so early is good. The CT scan was not planned so soon, and was only done as a result of the mysterious sore stomach. So the sore stomach did bring about something good.

The treatment for the blood clot is a daily injection of something called "Clexane". I have had a crash course in administering an injection and seem to have landed the job permanently. Seems like this will go on for 6 months and then revisited by the hospital.

Sonja had a follow up assessment with the oncologist last Wednesday. He was quite positive. He thinks the sore stomach was not the result of the "Tykerb Lapatinib" and Sonja is back on those on a slightly reduced dose. She also had her intravenous chemotherapy last Friday.
He thinks overall she is responding the treatment and is happy for her to continue.

The past few weeks have been hard, and confusing at times but I am amazed at the strength of Sonja and how she is able to face every day with determination to win this thing and there is not a day when she doesn't have a smile for something. She is no doubt the bravest and strongest person I know!

Things to pray for are:
• Sonja to regain strength from the ordeal of the past weeks
• No return of the sore stomach
• Side effects of all treatments to be minimal
• All treatments to work even better than expected.
• Denis to get the injection in with no pain
• Wisdom for the medical people as we go forward to make great decisions

Thank you all once again for your support, initially your financial help, but now it's moral support, prayer support and encouragement. This is so valued and you will never really know how important it is to us.


Monday 6 February 2012

Tuesday 6th February

Since my last post on the 25th January we have had some "ups" and also some "downs" on our journey.
The chemotherapy Sonja had just 2 days after my last blog was a slight increase in dosage and the nurse who did the cannulation got it in first time and it went well. (Thanks for prayers which were answered) . Sonja was experiencing some of the symptoms from the chemotherapy including aches, pains and fatigue, but on Tuesday just gone she started to experience a sore stomach which was like a cramp. This continued for a few more days. On Friday just past (Feb 3rd) she was due to have another injection of chemotherapy but as she still had a very sore  stomach and wasn't really eating much I asked for a doctor to check her out prior to more chemo.

The end result of this was the oncologist suspected that the "Tykerb" tablets were possibly the cause of the sore stomach and that we should reduce the dose slightly. Sonja didn't have chemotherapy on Friday as she was really quite unwell and the chemo on top of this was going to be too much on the day.

She has had a hard few days since Friday with a very sore stomach and general weakness from lack of food for many days. However I am pleased to report that she has had a better day today (especially in the second half of the day). She had some liquid nutritional drink, and even some food. Believe me this is a big step forward compared to the last few days! 

We value all of your prayers and support so much! The last week has been hard but we are determined to win this battle and we know we can. 

Prayer points are:

For the sore stomach to be well.
Sonja to regain her strength from the toll the last week has taken on her.
For the reduced dose of the "Tykerb" tablets to be the key to the sore stomach problem.
For us all as a family to stay strong.
For the drugs to work to their maximum potential and the side effects to be minimal.

Thank you all in advance for your support and standing with us.


Tuesday 24 January 2012

Wednesday 25th January (WOW)

As I sit and write this I am again stunned and amazed at the goodness of people and your response to our appeal for help. Life has settled into a pattern (I guess its a kind of pattern or routine) now that I have been back at work and Sonja's treatment continues. We are very fortunate at the moment to have Aimée (our eldest and recently married daughter) free from the demands of full time employment to come around and help out and keep company. Also Rachel & Tim are still on what seems like an endless summer break from University! All of this is great as there is always someone around during the day at home. They are all great kids and we are very proud of them.

Sonja continues with her daily Tykerb" tablets and we are pleased to say that the side effects from this are not too bad to date. The other part of treatment is the weekly dose of chemotherapy (vinorelbine). This is administered every Friday afternoon - actually 2  out of 3 Fridays as week 3 is a "rest" week. So this Friday will be week 4 (with last week being the "rest" week). The side effects from this drug are more significant, with fatigue, tiredness, aches and pains to name a few. This seems to hit around day 4 after treatment. It starts to lift late Thursday and of course by Friday it's time for another round. This is hard physically and mentally for Sonja so please pray for her strength to continue for the full treatment. She is the strongest person I know without doubt!

Your amazing response to our request for help is so appreciated. The total is now just under $42,000!
We are so thankful to all who have helped achieve this and can only again say "Thank You" so much!

Sonja had an assessment today and for some reason we saw another oncologist who turned out to be the "big guy" (the main "Professor" who is well respected and who we had heard about but never met). I quietly wondered afterwards if he wanted the meet the faith filled courageous woman who has defied so many odds and whom his colleague had told him so much about! (maybe that's just me letting my imagination run wild a bit, but then......?)
Anyway he was happy to continue with treatment and even increased the dose of  vinorelbine slightly, so onwards we go on the road to being well!

Lastly (but not least) - again for those of you who pray (and don't think you have to be really good at it or amazingly spiritual)!  I reckon pretty simple down to earth prayers are as good as anything so have a go!
Please pray that:
Sonja has a very accurate and skilled nurse who gets the canulation in first time.
Side effects from both drugs get no worse and even reduce.
Strength for Sonja to continue with the treatment (which is easier if the above happens)
These drugs work to the maximum to eliminate all bad cells and disease.

Again we thank you all and we pray that God will bless each and every one of you - even more than you can imagine.


Tuesday 17 January 2012


 I never thought I would be writing these words just 17 says after I sent out the email asking for your help....but we made it and you all have made it possible! 

We have reached the required amount of $38,000 to fund the drug (Tykerb) for Sonja's treatment. In fact the amount has been exceeded and stands at just over $40,000! What can I say but again "Thank You" to all of you on behalf of Sonja, myself, Aimee, Kane, Rachel & Tim. 

This takes an enormous pressure off us as a family to not to have to worry about the cost of this treatment. We appreciate every single one of you so much (some of you we have never met). There are people from several countries who have contributed and we can only again express our deepest gratitude. We would like to acknowledge and thank each of you if we can. Some donations have come through without a name on the reference field. This may be because you want to remain anonymous and if so we understand and respect that. If you don't wish to remain anonymous we would love to send you a card to say thank you. If this is the case drop us an email ( with your details.

I will keep this blog going as Sonja progresses through the treatment to wellness with updates on how she is doing and I would like to encourage anyone who feels they would like to send through words of support or encouragement to just fire them through via email. Sonja does get a lot of strength and encouragement from them (as do we all). 

Sonja has a break from chemotherapy (intravenous) this week. The pattern is 2 Fridays on and the third is a break. She takes the "Tykerb" tablets every day. She has an assessment with the oncologist on Wednesday the 25th and this will happen every 3 weeks to track her progress.

For those of you who are wanting direction for things to pray for, then the above meeting on Wednesday is a good place to start. Also for Sonja to have more strength and for the side effects of the drugs to not increase but decrease. Specifically aches and pains from the chemo on about day 3-4 after treatment.

What else can I say, but WOW! We are very blessed to have so many people on our side in this battle. Your support, not only financially, but in so many other ways makes a huge difference.


Thursday 12 January 2012

Friday 13th January

Don't know how many ways to say THANK YOU to you all!

It is 13 days since I sent my original email asking for help and never did I imagine the response would be so fast and amazing. I don't mean I didn't believe we would get a great response (and get there eventually),  but I must be honest and admit I never thought it would be so immediate!

The new total today as I write this (whilst looking at a lovely sunny Orewa Beach with my family) is a stunning $32,800!!!

You are all truly amazing and we are blessed to have such great family and friends.

Sonja had her second intraveneous Chemotherapy today and is doing pretty well. She is also taking her daily "Tykerb" tablets each day (this is the one that you all have helped us purchase).

Side effects are a factor but so far pretty tolerable (I guess that's easy for me to say as I'm not the one having them).

For those people who are supporting us in prayer, here are some points to target:
- For the 2 drugs to work better than ever before or expected.
- For the right nurse on Fridays who get the "canulation" right first time. (as this hurts)
- For the side effects to be no worse than at present (and even better to cease)
- Strength and energy for Sonja to go through the treatment.
- Anything else you feel to pray for.

Thanks again,

Monday 9 January 2012

Tuesday 10th January

Hi to all our wonderful family and friends!
I am exremely happy and overwhelmed to report that the updated total for the "keeping Sonja well" fund is just under $30,000! You guys (and girls) are amazing and we are really blessed to have such a great group of supporters. What can I say but again thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We are having a few days together as a family this week with our lovely daughter Aimee and her great husband Kane. Also very happy to report we are having settled weather and no rain to speak of. Sonja is doing pretty well and so far side effects have been minimal. Thank you to those who are praying for this as it makes a difference.

Friday 6 January 2012

Saturday 7th January

Further to my post last night re Sonja's first treatment - I realised I omitted to post the total raised which is now at $24,680!! 

We are so very thankful for this and would like to thank as many people as we can so please leave a name when you donate (unless you prefer to remain anonymous). Also please feel free to email anything from words of encouragement, questions, or to check that your funds got through. Email is
Thank you all so much


January 6th 2012 _ First Treatment

Hi Everyone,

We have completed the first treatment  this afternoon! It was very fast compared to the other chemotherapies Sonja has had. All over in one hour. All went well in that we had a nurse we know who is experienced and was lovely. The staff at Auckland Hospital Oncology really admire Sonja (as do I) and it was evident by the welcome she received that she is a special patient to them.
I must say that as I purchased the first prescription of "Tykerb" today (as Sonja was just completing her intravenous "funded" chemo), that I was struck by the image of many faces of people who have helped us to purchase this drug as I swiped my card. The assistant asked me to check the price before I entered the details as it was obviously an unusually large amount for a prescription.
What can I say except to say thank you again to all who have helped us and again thank you for your financial support, prayer support, and encouragement which all makes such a massive difference!

Bless you all,


Wednesday 4 January 2012

Internet funds transfers

We are aware some people have had some questions re transferring money from outside of New Zealand. Go to this link (copy and paste onto your web browser) for information on how to do this which should help.

Thanks again to everyone,

Thursday 5th January

This is the day before the first treatment starts for Sonja. We saw our oncologist yesterday and he is happy to proceed as agreed. There are of course known side effects from both these drugs so please pray that these will be minimal or even better yet - none at all. We are amazed and completely humbled by everyone's generosity and can report that we have thus far received a total of over $23,000!!!!
Thank you all again and please feel free to email us if you want to confirm your donation has reached us as we would love to be able to personally thank as many people as we can.

Also to those of you who have found this news out via the email I do apologise but we only found out ourselves days before Christmas and time was a big factor in getting this out there.
Sonja loves to hear words of encouragement so feel free to email those through.
Email : 

Tuesday 3 January 2012

We’re right with you Son, walking beside you every step of the way!
In essence the answer to everything lie’s in the recognition that God and complete Wholeness is the only reality. And that everything in the universe is directly related and connected to everything else and there is no barrier anywhere that can block your absolute right to health, healing and wholeness. God is all there is. 
As for the $38,000 - well, it’s not a lot, if you say it quickly enough! Could we find a way of seeing each contribution as a loving snowflake falling from a deep blue sky in winter? Each snowflake carrying with it the love of your family and friends. $38,000 might seem like an impossible mountain to climb, but if we could find 400 friends who could send a snowflake gift of just $95 each, then it’s a mountain no more, just snowflakes of love falling everywhere just for you. We can do it Son – together we are reaching out to God for your complete healing and return to wellness. 
With love - Paul 

Monday 2 January 2012

Update Tuesday 3rd January

Wow! we are completely amazed and very humbled by the response to this appeal for help for Sonja. Less than 24 hours from when I pushed the "send" button on my computer we have had more than one quarter of the funds required for Sonja's treatment pledged! 
All I can say (which seems so inadequate) is thank you! thank you! thank you!
I know we will get to the target and we really appreciate all the pledges of support and encouragement we have received.

Bless you all,

  The Greatest Wealth Is Health


Since 1999 my wife (and our mum) Sonja has been battling breast cancer. She has been through many treatment regimes, including multiple surgeries (including the ground breaking removal of her sternum last year), chemotherapies and radiotherapy. Sonja has been through the mill over many years, however this disease has never affected her incredible capacity for love, faith, and her sheer determination to be well!
We believe that God:
Is a loving God who wants Sonja to be well, whole & healthy. He has sustained Sonja and our family through a long and tough battle and continues to do so! She has always been positive and believes she will finally win this battle with God and the help of many believing the same.
Where We Are Now:
Sonja has recently completed her most grueling chemotherapy treatment in July 2011, which was followed by surgery in October (just weeks before our daughter Aimee's wedding). The latest scans in December 2011 show rapid progression of disease. Our oncologist has recommended a new treatment regime consisting of two parts. The first part is a standard intravenous weekly chemotherapy called “Vinorelbine”, which is funded by our health system. The second part to supplement this is a daily dose of 5 tablets of a drug called “Tykerb Lapatinib Ditosylate” which unfortunately is not funded by the Health System. This drug has shown good results overseas and is similar to Herceptin in that it fights cancer for people who have Metastatic HER2 breast cancer (which is the type of cancer Sonja has). The cost associated with this drug to us as a family will be just under $38,000 ($NZD).
How You Can Help:
We hope to raise $38,000 which will cover this unfunded treatment and any contribution towards this goal you can provide would be gratefully appreciated. Please note, we are not a registered charity so will be unable to issue tax receipts.

Please contact us by email at if you like details on how to make a donation.

Other information:
Any funds raised in excess of the required amount will be kept in the above account in case any further unfunded treatment is required. If not we will then work with the “Sweet Louise Foundation” (A great charitable trust set up in NZ to help women and their families coping with secondary breast cancer - to find another woman in a similar situation.
I have set up a blog ( which we will keep updated on Sonja’s progress to being well. We will also update on how we are tracking to achieve the required funds.
With our love and sincere thanks,

Denis, Sonja, Aimee, Kane, Rachel, & Timothy (and Jet our dog)