Friday 6 January 2012

January 6th 2012 _ First Treatment

Hi Everyone,

We have completed the first treatment  this afternoon! It was very fast compared to the other chemotherapies Sonja has had. All over in one hour. All went well in that we had a nurse we know who is experienced and was lovely. The staff at Auckland Hospital Oncology really admire Sonja (as do I) and it was evident by the welcome she received that she is a special patient to them.
I must say that as I purchased the first prescription of "Tykerb" today (as Sonja was just completing her intravenous "funded" chemo), that I was struck by the image of many faces of people who have helped us to purchase this drug as I swiped my card. The assistant asked me to check the price before I entered the details as it was obviously an unusually large amount for a prescription.
What can I say except to say thank you again to all who have helped us and again thank you for your financial support, prayer support, and encouragement which all makes such a massive difference!

Bless you all,



  1. @ChristineCaine
    Christine Caine God will give you the strength to get through if you are willing to go through!

  2. I am not surprised the staff @ auckland hospital think Sonja is special as she is an inspiration to everyone who knows her. We love you Son.
    Betty Ann Owen
