Tuesday 17 January 2012


 I never thought I would be writing these words just 17 says after I sent out the email asking for your help....but we made it and you all have made it possible! 

We have reached the required amount of $38,000 to fund the drug (Tykerb) for Sonja's treatment. In fact the amount has been exceeded and stands at just over $40,000! What can I say but again "Thank You" to all of you on behalf of Sonja, myself, Aimee, Kane, Rachel & Tim. 

This takes an enormous pressure off us as a family to not to have to worry about the cost of this treatment. We appreciate every single one of you so much (some of you we have never met). There are people from several countries who have contributed and we can only again express our deepest gratitude. We would like to acknowledge and thank each of you if we can. Some donations have come through without a name on the reference field. This may be because you want to remain anonymous and if so we understand and respect that. If you don't wish to remain anonymous we would love to send you a card to say thank you. If this is the case drop us an email (fivekellys@vodafone.co.nz) with your details.

I will keep this blog going as Sonja progresses through the treatment to wellness with updates on how she is doing and I would like to encourage anyone who feels they would like to send through words of support or encouragement to just fire them through via email. Sonja does get a lot of strength and encouragement from them (as do we all). 

Sonja has a break from chemotherapy (intravenous) this week. The pattern is 2 Fridays on and the third is a break. She takes the "Tykerb" tablets every day. She has an assessment with the oncologist on Wednesday the 25th and this will happen every 3 weeks to track her progress.

For those of you who are wanting direction for things to pray for, then the above meeting on Wednesday is a good place to start. Also for Sonja to have more strength and for the side effects of the drugs to not increase but decrease. Specifically aches and pains from the chemo on about day 3-4 after treatment.

What else can I say, but WOW! We are very blessed to have so many people on our side in this battle. Your support, not only financially, but in so many other ways makes a huge difference.


1 comment:

  1. Wow ! Wow! Wow! I am so glad the stress of funds has been removed....Sonja can concentrate on getting well...........No distractions! love you guys,

    Dee xx
